

📃STEAM($Steam)Protocol WhitePaper

STEAM is a project on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and is a side token issued by SAUNAFINANCE (https://sauna.finance/ ) .it’s a new generation TOKEN with BUSD redistribution function, investors can receive BUSD for every transaction by holding STEAM. STEAM TOKEN is designed to incentivize token holders to earn dividends from transactions (buying and selling).

Redistribution will be based on a percentage the current token balance, and the number of holders. STEAM holders will automatically receive BUSD tokens. The token contract uses a static reward system that splits 16% of all transactions into 4 parts.


In every transaction tax: 16%(20% slippage when trading) Divides to Auto Buyback & Burn: 5% Liquidity Autolock: 5% BUSD Reward Pool : 5% Continious Marketing : 1%


TOTAL SUPPLY : 100,000,000,000

Team allocation : 6,300,000,000 (6.3%) Marketing wallet : 5,000,000,000 (5%) DXSale Presale : 31,800,000,000 (31.8%) Pancakeswap listing : 31,800,000,000 (31.8%) Liquidity Locked: 80% - Unlock Date : 12 months minimum Airdrop or giveaways : 5,000,000,000 (5%) SAUNA FINANCE Earn allocation : 20,000,000,000 (20%)

✅Auto Buyback & Burn

The Smart buyback and burn behavior of the contract buys STEAM TOKENS at regular intervals and burns them. This reduces the supply and thus creating an hyper deflationary token.

✅Liquidity Autolock

5% of every transaction contributes toward automatically generating further liquidity on Pancakeswap. This will establish a solid price floor over time.

✅BUSD Reward Pool

5% of every transaction is taken and converted to BUSD and then redistributed to all STEAM holders automatically (Autoclaim).

✅Continious Marketing

No token survives without marketing, therefore we decided to put 1% of the volume into our marketing budget to let the world know about STEAM!

✅20% of token issuance volume as Earn reward

You will be rewarded for staking on SAUNAFINANCE’s staking Coldpool and Löyly farming. 20% of the token issue will be allocated to Earn.

Last updated